I'm opening up my house in London soon as part of our local Telegraph Hill Arts Festival. The festival itself runs from Wed. 10th through to Sun 21st with loads going on; to be found by googling "Telegraph Hill Festival". There are 19 artists venues including mine opening up their houses/studios for the public to visit on that last weekend. Opening times are 2 to 6 pm for both days so please come along and visit me here in our lovely bit of London. This year aswell as my print work I'll be show for practically the first time, my ceramic objects. Making things from clay has come like a revelation to me and I think some of these things are the best things I've ever done. My claywork relates closely to the sort of subject matter in my prints and paintings so if you know and like my work or if you've never seen it before please come and see all the new stuff. My partner has become an accomplished photography despite her busy role as chief of Flow Associates and this year some of her latest images are on display.
click on the little poster image above to see a map of the area and other artists involved...
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